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I really enjoy your artistic style here, especially the intro cut scenes. Very evocative of flash aesthetic and charm.

Not to be rude, but I found the bg music to be grating enough that I had to mute my tab, since sfx were not an option in gameplay. I think this game would benefit greatly by some tweaks like a) allowing users to click the character they want to control if they prefer, b) highlighting which clones are locked and which are not, as well as which clone is currently being focused on. Overall very nice though.


Thanks so much! We had a lot of the same ideas, especially regarding the camera and what clones are active. I’m glad it reminded you of flash games, that’s what we were going for. Also, although there was no options button from the pause menu, you could mute both the music and sound effects from the main menu.

I'm glad you like the art style! It was a lot of fun to make, especially the intro cutscene but also the characters themselves. Also totally fair what you said about the background music, I agree its pretty grating, Thank you for the feed back!

(1 edit)

I did a bit of playtesting and realized V's ending is broken, which in turn means the final level can't be accessed and the true ending can't be viewed. If anyone wants to see them, here they are:
Ending V -
True Ending -